Solar Factors are composed of the Solar Factor (g) and the Shading Coefficient (SC).
The Solar Factor (g) is the percentage of solar energy transmitted directly or indirectly through the glass to the interior and measures the ability of the glass to reduce heat input. The Solar Factor of a glazed wall is the percentage of energy entering a location relative to the incident solar energy. Thus, the lower the g-factor, the lower the heat input.
The Shading Coefficient (SC) is a measure of the heat gain through glass from solar radiation. The lower the CS, the lower the solar heat gain.
The lower the solar factor and the CS, the better the solar control and as a result, the lower the expenditure required for air conditioning in buildings.
Solar Factor
Selectivity is the relationship between light transmission and the solar factor. The higher the selectivity, the greater the comfort in buildings. If selectivity > 2, the glass allows the passage of twice as much light as heat.
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