General Privacy Policy

The present document describes how Nortempera - Indústria de vidros temperados do Norte, S.A. taxpayer nº 505749696, with headquarters at Rua do Progresso nº 37-57-75, 4785-647 Trofa, telephone: 252 419 391, e-mail:, hereinafter referred to as Nortempera, as the entity responsible for the collection, processing and protection of the personal data of stakeholders who access the website.


The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), relates to the protection of singular persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.  This legislative activity is applicable to all member states directly and, due to the margin of compliance given to member states to concretize some points, the National Data Protection Law (Law no. 59/2019, of August 8) came to define these points in Portugal. The supervision and enforcement of this Law is the responsibility of the National Commission for Data Protection, Rua de São Bento nº 148, 3º, 1200-821, Lisbon. E-mail:


This Policy aims to ensure transparency in the treatment and destination of the personal data collection provided by other stakeholders when introducing their data on our website. This policy also allows stakeholders to be aware of how their data will be treated and stored, specifying their rights in accordance with the data privacy law. 

1. What is personal data?

Personal data means information relating to an identified or identifiable singular person ("data owner"); an identifiable singular person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, electronic identifiers, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

2. What types of personal data will be collected and processed?

2.1 Website access and navigation: access to the website automatically collects a set of computer data, which is temporarily recorded in specific files, and is also automatically deleted after a certain period. The collection of this data has purely technical purposes, such as connection configuration, system security, technical administration of the network and website optimization. The data collected for this purpose are a) IP address of the requesting processor; b) Date and time of access; c) Name and URL of the downloaded file; d) Volume of data transmitted; e) Indication as to whether the download was successful; f) Identification data of the browser software and operating system; g) Website from which you accessed our website; h) Name of the Internet service provider.

2.2 Application Form: With the purpose of analyzing if the candidates have the necessary competences and qualifications for the intended job, at the moment of the application submission, Nortempera requests information that will be truly useful for us to be able to fit you in the available job opportunities. For more information about the privacy policy regarding this topic, please consult our Candidate's Personal Data Protection and Treatment Policy.

2.3 Contact form: If you wish to contact Nortempera directly through the website, you must fill out the form available for that purpose, which can be found in the menu under "Contacts". You will be asked for some personal data such as name and email. The collection of this data is only intended to make it possible to respond to your request and provide you with the information you require.

2.4 The User guarantees that the personal data provided to Nortempera is true and becomes responsible for communicating any change of it.

3. What is the treatment of personal data?

The legal terms consider that the processing of personal data involves an operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated or non-automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction.

4. What is the purpose of the processing of personal data?

The purposes and grounds on which Nortempera processes your personal data depends on your position as a candidate, employee or supplier/customer/user.

If you are an candidate or supplier/customer/user (sole traders, self-employed or suppliers' employees), please note that your personal data will be collected and processed, inter alia, for the following purposes:

4.1 If you are a customer, the collection and processing of your personal data will be for the purposes of communication between the parties, the development and improvement of services - including all activities necessary for the development and improvement of the services provided by Nortempera, such as activity analysis and processing for potential future opportunities. Additionally, it may also contribute to the fulfillment of legal obligations, in order to help in the declaration, exercise or defense of a certain right, under certain circumstances.

4.2 Recruitment - includes recruitment activities for "backoffice" functions, such as search and selection;

5. Who will have access to the personal data made available on the website?

Nortempera may use third parties, external service providers, who perform functions on behalf of Nortempera, such as companies that host or operate Nortempera's website, or that process payments, analyze data, provide customer service, and sponsors or other third parties who collaborate directly with the activity developed by Nortempera. Your personal data may be processed by these third parties for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. These third parties shall process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in accordance with the applicable legislation. 

Nevertheless, in addition to the entities indicated above, the personal data made available by the different entities may be communicated, with the objective of complying with applicable legal obligations, namely, to judicial, police, tax or regulatory authorities or any authorities that may legitimately receive them under the legal terms.

6. How do we ensure the security of the personal data provided by job applicants?

Nortempera respects your rights and therefore makes continuous efforts to ensure the security and protection of your personal data. We are committed to using the appropriate security measures for the proper protection of your data in order to safeguard the following:

  • Prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against any form of unlawful processing;

  • Prevent unauthorized reading, copying, modification or removal of data media;

  • Prevent the unauthorized input of personal data and any unauthorized operation on stored personal data;

  • Ensure that persons authorized to use an automated processing system have access only to the personal data covered by their access authorization.

When the data is provided on the website, Nortempera has the duty of secrecy, so that, the people responsible for the data treatment as well as any other person who, in the course of their duties, has access to the personal data, are bound to professional secrecy, even after the end of their functions. Thus, data is collected and processed confidentially and in accordance with legal requirements.

Therefore, before providing any type of personal data to Nortempera, you should carefully read our General Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the presented Policy, please do not submit your personal data to Nortempera.

7. For how long will the candidates' personal data be kept?

Your personal data will be kept for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations. In the absence of a specific legal requirement, your personal data will be stored and kept for a period of 6 months.

8. Cookies

The term cookies refers to small text files that a website, when visited by the user, places on his computer or mobile device through the internet browser, allowing the recognition of your device the next time the user visits.

This website uses cookies to improve its service. Some cookies are essential to ensure the functionality provided, while others are intended to improve performance and user experience. Acceptance of a cookie depends solely on the user's will, and the user may at any time change their choice using the options provided by their browser software. By accepting the cookies, the user will receive product suggestions according to his/her previous searches, thus benefiting from a better navigation of our website.

You should not continue to access our website after the cookie alert if you do not agree with its use.

9. What are your rights as a data subject?

As the holder of their personal data, the candidate may, at any time, exercise their right to information and access, rectification, updating, limitation, opposition and deletion of their personal data, contacting Nortempera in writing for that purpose through the following contacts:

The user also has the right to lodge a complaint to the National Commission for Data Protection, if he understands that his rights over his personal data have been infringed.

10. Children

Nortempera does not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of eighteen. If you are under the age of eighteen, please do not give us personal data. If you believe that a minor has given Nortempera personal data please contact us and we will make every effort to delete that personal data from our databases.

11. Applicable Law

In case of controversy or complaint of any nature related to this website, the Portuguese law shall apply, regardless of any conflict of applicable laws. Without prejudice to filing a complaint with the national control authority identified 2.2, the parties agree that all actions or legal proceedings arising from or related to this Privacy Policy, shall be the competence of the Portuguese courts and agree to submit any dispute relating to this matter to the jurisdiction of the Judicial Court of the District of Porto, Santo Tirso.

12. Updates to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change. The indication of the date of the last update to this document appears in the legend "Updated on", in the header of this document. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective upon posting on the website.

After reading our policy you accept all the conditions indicated above and grant Nortempera the authorization to collect, store and process your personal data for the purposes indicated in this policy and during the indicated period.