Protection Policy and Personal Data Treatment of Candidates

The present document describes how Nortempera - Indústria de vidros temperados do Norte, S.A. taxpayer 505 749 696, with headquarters at Rua do Progresso nº 37-57-75, 4785-647 Trofa, telephone: 252 419 391, e-mail:, hereinafter referred to as Nortempera, is the entity responsible for the collection, processing, and protection of the personal data of candidates for employment opportunities advertised by the company.

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) relates to the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.  This legislative activity is applicable to all member states directly and, due to the margin of compliance given to member states to concretize some points, the National Data Protection Law (Law no. 59/2019, of August 8) came, to define these points in Portugal. The supervision and compliance with this Law is the responsibility of the National Commission for Data Protection. As a consequence of the legal regulations in force, Nortempera has updated its Privacy Policy regarding the management of applications and the recruitment and selection process.

This Policy aims to ensure transparency in the treatment and destination of the collection of personal data provided by job candidates to Nortempera in the scope of job applications. This policy also allows the candidate to have knowledge about how his data will be treated and stored, specifying his rights according to the data privacy law.  

1. O que são dados pessoais?

For better clarification, it is intended to make the candidate aware of what is meant by personal data. Thus, personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable singular person ("data owner"); an identifiable singular person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, electronic identifiers, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

2. What types of personal data will be collected and processed?

With the purpose of analyzing if the candidates have the necessary competences and qualifications for the intended job, at the moment of the application submission, Nortempera requests information that will be useful for us to be able to fit you in the available job opportunities. So, if you respond to a candidacy published in the site or in a platform that divulges employment opportunities, only your CV will be requested. However, there is also the possibility of submitting a spontaneous application through the site by entering the following personal data: name, e-mail, telephone contact, availability, and an updated CV.

There is the possibility for the candidate to make a job application in Nortempera's headquarters, having the option to leave his CV for analysis, by signing the Privacy and Personal Data Treatment Policy, in order to agree with the terms described there. Otherwise, you can also fill a Spontaneous Application Form through which the following data will be requested:

  • Name;

  • Address;

  • Telephone contact;

  • E-mail;

  • Date of birth;

  • Driver's license status;

  • Education and training qualifications;

  • Professional experience and skills;

  • Career management interests and preferences;

  • Availability and current employment situation.

It should be noted that during the recruitment and selection process, other data necessary for the evaluation of candidates may be requested, except for those data that the employer may not require of a job applicant in accordance with the law in force. Thus, data of a sensitive nature relating to the sphere of your intimate and personal life, relating to your family, affective and sexual life, to your state of health and to your religious or philosophical convictions or trade union or party membership, as well as genetic data, are excluded. This type of data, although not requested by Nortempera, may be provided voluntarily by the candidate, but will not be subject to any storage or processing.

3. What does the processing of personal data consist of?

The legal terms consider that the processing of personal data involves an operation or set of operations performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated or non-automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, comparison or interconnection, restriction, erasure, or destruction.

4. What is the purpose of the personal data?

The purpose of processing the personal data provided by the candidate is to enable us to carry out the recruitment and selection process for the position to which the candidate has applied. Above all, we want to ensure the best job opportunities tailored to each candidate's profile, so we need to process the data. In the specific cases of spontaneous applications, the CV and/or the application form will be stored during the maximum period stipulated by this policy and will remain under analysis for all future employment opportunities in Nortempera that the candidate has potential for.

5. Who will have access to the personal data provided by the candidate?

The personal data mentioned above will be duly forwarded to Nortempera's Human Resources Department, for later analysis, in order to verify if the candidates presented fit in the scope of the available job offers. However, whenever necessary, these data may be shared with other professionals involved in the recruitment and selection processes (e.g.: Head of the hiring area) for a better evaluation of the candidates. Nevertheless, in addition to the entities indicated above, the candidate's personal data may be communicated, for the purpose of complying with applicable legal obligations, namely, to judicial, police, tax or regulatory authorities or any authorities that may legitimately receive them under the legal terms.

6. How do we assure the security of the personal data provided by job applicants?

Nortempera respects your rights and therefore makes continuous efforts to ensure the security and protection of your personal data. We undertake to use the appropriate security measures for the proper protection of your data in order to safeguard the following:

  • Prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, or access, and against any form of unlawful processing.

  • Prevent unauthorized reading, copying, modification or removal of data media;

  • Prevent the unauthorized input of personal data and any unauthorized operation on stored personal data;

  • Ensure that persons authorized to use an automated processing system have access only to the personal data covered by their access authorization;

To this end, we ensure that only professionals directly related to the recruitment and selection processes in place have access to candidates' personal data. In addition, technical and physical security restrictions are also guaranteed for access to our servers and files, and only duly identified employees are authorized to access your personal data during the performance of their work and for the purposes indicated herein.

When the data is provided by the candidate, Nortempera has the duty of secrecy, so the people responsible for the data treatment, as well as any other person who, in the performance of their duties, has access to the personal data, are bound to professional secrecy, even after the end of their functions. Thus, data is collected and processed confidentially and in accordance with legal requirements.

Therefore, before providing any type of personal data to Nortempera, you should carefully read our Candidate Personal Data Protection and Treatment Policy. If you do not agree with the presented Policy, please do not submit your personal data to Nortempera. By submitting your application through online platforms available for that purpose or by presenting the application in person, you acknowledge that you agree with the terms present in this policy.

7. For how long will the candidates' personal data be kept?

After the conclusion of the recruitment and selection process, your personal data submitted to Nortempera will be kept for a period of 6 months, unless there is a higher period of retention imposed by law. Candidates not selected authorize Nortempera to use their data during the same period for subsequent recruitment processes in which the candidates may fit. Nevertheless, and as a consequence of article 32, no. 1 of the Labour Code, all entities must keep a record of the recruitment processes carried out for five years.

 After this period, your data will be totally eliminated, so if you wish to keep your data stored in Nortempera's database for future recruitment and selection processes, you must submit a new application.

8. What are the rights of the candidates as owners of their personal data?

As the owner of their personal data, the candidate may, at any time, exercise their right to information and access, rectification, updating, limitation, opposition, and deletion of their personal data, contacting Nortempera in writing for that purpose through the following contacts:

After reading our policy, by submitting your personal data with the purpose of applying to be part of our team, you accept all the conditions indicated above and grant Nortempera the authorization to collect, store and process your personal data for the purposes indicated in this policy and during the period indicated.