Tempered Glass  

Glass subjected to thermal treatment, which considerably increases its resistance, thus reducing breakages by mechanical shock, flexion, and thermal shock. In case of rupture this glass fragments in small pieces avoiding serious injuries to people or goods.


Laminated Thermally Reinforced Glass

Laminated safety glass composed of two or more glasses united with one or more films of polyvinyl butyral (PVB/EVA). In the event of glass breakage, the PVB films hold the fragments together, maintaining the integrity and residual strength of the glass until it can be replaced.

Laminated glass can be composed of colored PVB films and with acoustic properties.

To increase impact resistance, thermosetting or tempered glass can be incorporated into laminated glass units.


Insulating Glass

Thermal acoustic insulating glass (double or triple) composed of two or more glass plates separated by an aluminum profile or by a thermal profile (Warm Edge), whose tightness is guaranteed by a double seal, being particularly resistant and impermeable to the action of the atmospheric agents.


Silk Screened Glass

Silk Screened glass, also known as heat-painted glass, is a material that receives drawings or colors through silkscreens with special ink, whose content is fixed in the glass at high temperatures - going through the painting and tempering process.

The paint, when fused with the glass, gives it high durability and resistance.

This type of glass can be used in walls, furniture, bathrooms, and windows, being resistant to light and heat transmission


Curved Glass

Float glass can be curved by applying a mold to the glass sheet at high temperatures (± 650ºC), and can also be subjected to tempering and laminating processes. 

This capacity gives it a greater diversity of application, being usually used in architectural projects.